Keep taking the tablets … yea, e’en unto Passover aka: How Ye Olde Hebrews survived Passover in the Sinai If you take the Torah at its word (which most archaeologists don’t), then it is a fact that the biblical tribes of Israel escaped the bondage of slavery in Pharaoh’s Egypt by crossing the Sinai Peninsula, […]
Need A SlickLogin? Enter the Google. Why the Valley loves the Wadi when it comes to hi-tech ventures 3. Google bought Israeli start-up SlickLogin because they want one password to rule them all, and they want it to be so easy to use, that you don’t even know you’re using it. Life Changing effect: You […]
Not Quite The Speed of Light What Israelis expect, and what they get in reality Israelis love speed. They love to talk fast, drive fast, and surf the web fast. And they love to do it all while their heartbeat is racing on strong doses of black mud coffee. The problem is that only the […]
Don’t discount the Israeli Waze of getting where they want to be Three Waze Your Accountant Wants You To Achieve Financial Success in 2014 Your accountant probably prefers US Dollars to New Israeli Shekels. And who wouldn’t? Have you seen the monopoly money they call currency in the Jewish state? Frankly, it’s so colorful, it’s […]
Santa’s Sleigh is on the Way … with Israeli hi-tech How Santa Claus Delivers with help from the Jewish state Santa’s reindeer are tired. So tired. After all, the physical demands of zipping around the world, year after year, Christmas after Christmas, with populations growing all the tim … no wonder they need a break. […]