Shavuot Laughter aka: Why Israelis whip out their cheese and wine in droves on Shavuot For most Israelis, Shavuot is a time to splurge a little on two of the finer things in life: Curdled milk and fermented grape juice. It’s the one time of the year that the Mediterraneans from the East end of […]
Santa’s Sleigh is on the Way … with Israeli hi-tech How Santa Claus Delivers with help from the Jewish state Santa’s reindeer are tired. So tired. After all, the physical demands of zipping around the world, year after year, Christmas after Christmas, with populations growing all the tim … no wonder they need a break. […]
Shavuot cultural cartoon The Smart Mouse Rises To Say Cheese It’s Shavuot again. That time of year in the Jewish calendar (largely in Israel), where people celebrate the blessed cheesemakers, and the dairy they delivery. Of course last year saw Oy Vey bring to light the famouse color comic strip panel “All Your Cheese Are […]
Yom Kippur 5773 Lunch Menu Why do Jews celebrate the new year in Autumn? The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur holiday of spiritual atonement – is a day of soul-searching, forgiveness, and fasting. No food or drink is consumed by the observant for a period of 25 hours, from sunset on one day, until 1 […]