Shavuot cultural cartoon The Smart Mouse Rises To Say Cheese It’s Shavuot again. That time of year in the Jewish calendar (largely in Israel), where people celebrate the blessed cheesemakers, and the dairy they delivery. Of course last year saw Oy Vey bring to light the famouse color comic strip panel “All Your Cheese Are […]
Comic category of jewish israeli yiddish humor cartoon jokes and not-so-kosher laughs
Syrian Chemicals Weapons cartoon The trouble with denials President Bashar al-Assad has long denied there being any Syrian chemical weapons arsenal of any kind, despite evidence to the contrary. That makes the irony of Israel’s latest hit on a Syrian convoy allegedly carrying chemical weapons from Syria to Hizbullah terrorists in Lebanon even funnier in […]
Artist painting life during wartime When visionaries take to battlefields Not everything in a war zone is bombs and bullets. Or at least, not everyone in the war zones sees it as such. Some even fantasize or imagine entirely different scenes of the reality and the environment surrounding them. This Artist painting life during wartime […]
Fajr 5 Steals Parking Space in Tel Aviv – Yaffo What do residents of Tel Aviv – Jaffa do during rocket attacks? As Iranian-made Fajr-5 rockets flew from Gaza to Tel Aviv for the first time, residents of Israel’s largest coastal city had to contend with falling missile debris, along with the usual land-based debris, […]
Yom Kippur 5773 Lunch Menu Why do Jews celebrate the new year in Autumn? The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur holiday of spiritual atonement – is a day of soul-searching, forgiveness, and fasting. No food or drink is consumed by the observant for a period of 25 hours, from sunset on one day, until 1 […]