What the Netanyahu speech clarified A different perspective on the speech that was not so boycotted Two words to describe the Netanyahu speech: Epic Bail. When a small number of Congressional Democrats boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s third speech before Congress, it proved that the disconnect between their politics and reality was more […]
Israel accusing Iran is hardly newsworthy anymore. The thing about poor journalism in the Middle East You can take a press pool to an Israeli-captured cargo ship full of Iranian missiles and other ordinance headed for terror cells in Gaza, but you can’t force them to report it as any kind of big deal. This […]
Fajr 5 Steals Parking Space in Tel Aviv – Yaffo What do residents of Tel Aviv – Jaffa do during rocket attacks? As Iranian-made Fajr-5 rockets flew from Gaza to Tel Aviv for the first time, residents of Israel’s largest coastal city had to contend with falling missile debris, along with the usual land-based debris, […]
The Hebrew Calendar year is 5772. It’s Purim time again and once again, Persia, currently called the Islamic Republic of Iran, is threatening the existence of the Jewish people … and everyone else who lives in Israel, for that matter. And like clockwork, the AIPAC meeting in Washington, DC was visited by the Prime Minister […]