Things are a happening in the Middle East. Never mind the never ending wars and conflicts. We’ve got green tech, too. Laughzilla drew this MidEast Clean Tech cartoon for the Oy Vey web comic strip, as a reminder of the importance of all forms of alternative, clean energy innovations and natural resources. If you’re sick […]
The Hebrew Calendar year is 5772. It’s Purim time again and once again, Persia, currently called the Islamic Republic of Iran, is threatening the existence of the Jewish people … and everyone else who lives in Israel, for that matter. And like clockwork, the AIPAC meeting in Washington, DC was visited by the Prime Minister […]
Have a healthy artery-clogging felafel burger There I was, meandering through Jerusalem in January 2012 when I stumbled upon this sign outside a local street food vendor. Isn’t this just what the doctor ordered when he told you to cut down on your number of meals? Just combine them and you’re AOK. If that made […]
Ahh … Channukah. The festival of lights. A time to gamble for chocolate gelt or other goodies. A celebration of oil energy. And sometimes, a time for major historic events. Whatever your reason for celebrating, here’s hoping you enjoy these eight nights of presents and tasty fried treats. L’Chaim!
Hershel: It’s Hannukah … time for Jews to light candles and gamble on the improbabilities of life. Esther: And this you call a holiday? Shush. Eat some latkes. ==================== Remember folks … the oil that burns for eight days is a miracle, and the friends who share our jokes and pictures are miraculous. […]