Ahh … Channukah. The festival of lights. A time to gamble for chocolate gelt or other goodies. A celebration of oil energy. And sometimes, a time for major historic events. Whatever your reason for celebrating, here’s hoping you enjoy these eight nights of presents and tasty fried treats. L’Chaim!
Hershel: It’s Hannukah … time for Jews to light candles and gamble on the improbabilities of life. Esther: And this you call a holiday? Shush. Eat some latkes. ==================== Remember folks … the oil that burns for eight days is a miracle, and the friends who share our jokes and pictures are miraculous. […]
Remember this classic gem from the archives? Oy vey! You’ve been schnorrering free jokes from our hard working computers for donkey’s years. Be a good website tourist. If you laughed, tell your friends, or we’ll have to make you eat too much more chamin, capped off with tons of extra latkes, blintzes, sour cream and […]