Oy Vey has been publishing Jewish and Israeli humor - sometimes called Yuks for Yekkes - since before your bubbala was a safta. As far as we know, we were the first brand and domain dedicated to creating, collecting, and distributing not-so Kosher laughs on the internet, and in all kinds of terrific products and merchandise now available at bargain prices. :)
Tell your friends. No, tell TWO friends. OyVey.co.il - for everyone's comic needs. Laugh at our jokes now and we'll throw in a virtual bowl of delicious chicken noodle soup and a big slice of kugel - free - as a token of our gratitude.
It’s Passover Eve. Not a matzo was leavened, not even one piece. Freedom’s just another word for so much tasty food. Shank Bone ain’t worth eatin’ but at least it’s free. Laughzilla penned this Happy Passover cartoon for the Oy Vey webcomic strip, as a reminder of the afflictions the Hebrew people survived in their […]
So, you’re laughing? Don’t be a shnook. Nu? Tell your friends, already. Oy Vey – you’d think it would be easier to teach you the power of strong social connections. And you can thank Laughzilla and The Daily Dose for making these laughs possible.
Remember this classic gem from the archives? Oy vey! You’ve been schnorrering free jokes from our hard working computers for donkey’s years. Be a good website tourist. If you laughed, tell your friends, or we’ll have to make you eat too much more chamin, capped off with tons of extra latkes, blintzes, sour cream and […]
What the Netanyahu speech clarified A different perspective on the speech that was not so boycotted Two words to describe the Netanyahu speech: Epic Bail. When a small number of Congressional Democrats boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s third speech before Congress, it proved that the disconnect between their politics and reality was more […]
What Hamas Supporters Want Another view of the Summer Rocket War of 2014 Over the past 5 days, there had been a relative quiet, albeit a tense one, on the border between Gaza and Israel. Negotiators were talking in Cairo. The guns fell silent. After the fifth day, the sides agreed to talk for a […]
What Hamas Wants The Alternative Hamas Narrative Since the start of the Hamas and Israel war on July 8, 2014, sympathy for the devil has played a massive role in drumming up international condemnation in the most genius of ways. By siding with the suicidal, homicidal extremists of Hamas, world leaders, celebrities and regular folk […]
The Price Tag War Or, why Israel and the Palestinians fight more in the Summer As it turns out, some extensive research has been done by the Fools’ Research Institute of Enterprise Studies (FRIES) into why Israeli and Palestinian armed forces attack each other more during the Summer months. Counter-intuitively, it is not because the […]
Shavuot Laughter aka: Why Israelis whip out their cheese and wine in droves on Shavuot For most Israelis, Shavuot is a time to splurge a little on two of the finer things in life: Curdled milk and fermented grape juice. It’s the one time of the year that the Mediterraneans from the East end of […]
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